Unidostup Licensing Conditions

To get use of Unidostup remote control system, a company is to purchase Standard Licensing Package. It contains lifetime license for the Commutator component and the right to 10 simultaneous connections between PCs.

  • Commutator is installed on the server belonging to the company (located within the company infrastructure or in the cloud).
  • To enable connection between PCs, you are to install the Workstation component (including Operator and Host functionality) on them; the Workstation component is free and implies no payment.

If the company needs more than 10 simultaneous connections between PCs, it is necessary to purchase Extra Licensing Packages.

Pricing for Licensing Packages

Standard Package

10 simultaneous connections

Price: €2900

Extra Package

10 simultaneous connections

Price: €1100

The price includes lifetime license + 1 year of maintenance (support and updates).

Each additional year of maintenance costs 20% of the full license fee.

Want to try Unidostup demo or ask a question? Email us.

Get Unidostup demo* for testing. For this, fill in the form below. We will send you the software demo to the email indicated.

*Unlike full-version, demo-version works via Commutator owned by GlavSoft company.